Lakeside Photoworks Logo

Restoration and Retouching Services

Photo Restoration Services

We can restore color, transform black and white images to full-color, heal cracks or tears, and replace missing or damaged sections of your image.  We understand that your images are priceless - your original never leaves our store. 

Photo Retouching Services

If only ______________ (fill in the blank) wasn't in the picture... We offer retouching services to help fill in that blank. Come into the store or call us at 504-885-8660 for a consultation about retouching your images. 

Restoration Services

10 Business Days

Service Price
Photo restoration - includes scan, digital restoration, digital proof, final file on CD/USB $99.00
Oversized original + $59.00
Document restoration by quote


5th Business Day at 9:30am

Service Price
Teeth whitening, complexion repair, eye glass glare, pet eye, simple object removal $20.00
Background replacement $39.00
Head/eye swap $49.00
Complex object removal $49.00
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